Equifax Data Breach What Do

Equifax Data Breach: What To Do September 8, 2017Seena Gressin, Attorney, Division of Consumer & Business Education, FTC If you have a credit report, there’s a good chance that you’re one of the 143 million American consumers whose sensitive personal information was exposed in a data breach at Equifax, one of the nation’s three major credit reporting agencies. Here…

Early Money Management Habits Kids

Early Money Management Habits for Kids There are many events in children’s lives when good money management skills can be fostered. By constant repetition, these skills will develop into life-long habits. Consider a few opportunities to reinforce messages:   Piggy Banks — The First Lesson in Saving The arrival of a child’s first piggy bank teaches at an early…

Credit Card Dos And Donts

Credit Card Do’s and Don’ts Do DO shop around. The credit card industry is very competitive, so compare interest rates, credit limits, grace periods, annual fees, terms and conditions. DO use the same name when you apply for credit. Don’t leave out middle initials or “Jr.” DO read the fine print on the credit application. The application is a…

Consumer Protection Agencies

Consumer Protection Agencies The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) preserves and promotes public confidence in the U.S. financial system by insuring deposits in banks and thrift institutions for at least $250,000; by identifying, monitoring and addressing risks to the deposit insurance funds; and by limiting the effect on the economy and the financial system when a bank or thrift…

Community Service Support

Community Service & Support Giving Back for a Better Northern Michigan As a community bank rooted in northwest lower Michigan, it is important that we not only fulfill our responsibilities in the banking sector, but also do our part to keep our region vibrant. In doing so, we contribute to building a better future for the area. Our people…

Budgeting Your Future

Budgeting for Your Future A budget is an organized list of your sources of income and the money you spend on essentials like housing and food, fun things like dinner and a movie, and what you need to save for the future. Just as using a map to make sure you reach your destination, budgeting is a tool that…

Beware Fake Check Scams

Beware of Fake Check Scams Use the handy infographic below to learn more about what to look out for. If you’re in doubt as to the validity of a check, stop by one of our locations and we’ll be more than happy to review it with you. Learn more at Learn more at ftc.gov/scamalerts  Security & Privacy Resources

7 Tips for Improving Your Cash Flow This Year

Knowing you need to maintain a positive cash flow may be Business 101, but actually making that happen can be harder than anticipated. Whether you’re just getting started or managing an established business, these tips can help you improve your cash flow.

How Much Money Should I Save?

Maintaining a savings balance will go a long way toward peace of mind and security. However, data shows that only 39% of American households have enough saved to cover an unexpected expense of $1,000 or more. Savings are necessary for emergencies, but they can also help accomplish long term financial goals such as college funds and retirement or even…

How to Use a Credit Card Responsibly

A credit card can be a valuable tool, allowing you to consolidate purchases in one place and earn valuable rewards for the money you spend. But along with the benefits comes the potential for significant financial troubles. Current research shows that 55 percent of Americans with credit cards are carrying debt on those cards.